Since we began, we have dared to do things differently, because we believe that innovative solutions will feed transformation in people’s lives. Daily, when they feed with flavor and practicality, they have a better quality of life. In companies, of different segments, when they feed with the best ingredients and full service. In well-being, when they feed with nutrition and health so that they receive the best of Nature.

Being strategically located, Liotécnica also offers logistic ease for the transport of its products. Close to airports and ports, it allows for efficient transportation of cargoes into and outside the country.
Contact our exportation department directly to learn about the commercial opportunities that can be explored through the e-mail export@liotecnica.com.br
Respect for the consumer

Partnering with great brands for half a century

The company
Liotécnica specialises in offering ingredients and materials for the food industry, using drying and dehydration technologies to preserve the best of what nature offers.
A 100% Brazilian company, operating for over 50 years in the ingredient sector, developing private label brands and commercialization of food service and retail products.
Consumer Market
- Retail through the Qualimax brand
- Foodservice through the Qualimax foodservice brand
- Vending Machine